Watched the new Dr. Who on Sci Fi -- just now available here in the U.S. All I can say is "perfect!" -- its just captured the spirit of the old series in its essentials, added some special effects without making them so good as to lose the low-budget feel, got a perfect Doctor character (CHRISTOPHER ECCLESTON) and Rose (BILLIE PIPER) couldn't be more perfect under any circumstances (and isn't hard on the eyes at all, which is a nice bonus).
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story called "Dalek" loosly based on the Big Finish auido book "Jubilee"
I wont spoil it, but this is a great piece of television, and will give you a
new slant on the Daleks...
Ohh and watch out for the 2 parter (The Empty Child) .... good old behind the
sofa Doctor Who.
And if you think they are good wait until you see David Tennant as the new
doctor who... just fantastic!