If you are at all into torrents as a means of gaining access to content, you'll want to use this link:
[ FYI: As this site has now announced its going to be private again, you'll need to ask me for a link ]
This torrent site is quite good (stunningly so, actually). Membership is ranked and there are some rules to follow. Please make sure to read the rules and the faq. They're short, but you'll get the point. The most important thing to remember is that if you download a torrent, don't immediately shut off your torrent software. Configure your system to be a good seed as well, and leave what you download up for other people as well. If you're worried about who is in the swarm, download and use "Peer Guardian".
A final note: Torrent trackers are excellent for sharing things. Some things that are shared are clearly violations of license, others are not. Actually, most are -- but there's a realistic difference between content like a T.V. show episode you want to catch up with, and something like a pre-release studio sample of a movie with watermark blurred out.
You make the call based on what you want to share.
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