This morning Andy Donaldson was asking on FB for code that turned a spam email into an EML attachment for reporting to anti-spam providers. I wrote this a while back for exactly that purpose. Rather than an attachment, this just creates an email to the anti-spam provider that contains the original spam message including all of it's header information and encoded mime. Essentially, if you took the body of what I'm sending and saved it as a text document with a .EML extension it would be the same thing.
It's not perfect, but it works for me. If you feel like improving on it, go ahead. For publication, I've moved a few things to constants at the top of the initialize() sub. You could hard code these, or you could get them from the user's current workstation, or whatever you want to do.
The agent is mean to be run periodically in the mail file. It looks to the "($JunkMail)" folder for any messages the user drops there. If there are any, it processes them into the format you need to report the message and sends the report, then moves the processed spam into another folder (in my case "Handled Spam") and marks it as "READ" so it stops bothering the user.
Agent Report Missed Spam
Created May 9, 2013 by Andrew Pollack/thenorth
Description: Comments for Agent
Option Public
Option Declare
Dim session As NotesSession
Dim thisdb As NotesDatabase
Sub initialize()
' ********************************************************
On Error GoTo errorhandle
' if the debug.nsf script is in place
' uncomment its use in the nct_outputerror sub
Set session = New NotesSession
Set thisdb = session.currentdatabase
' ********************************************************
Const MY_USER_ID = "John Smith/Organization"
Const SPAM_SOURCE_FOLDER = "($JunkMail)"
session.Convertmime = false
Dim doc As NotesDocument, nextdoc As notesdocument
Dim spamfolder As NotesView
Dim newdoc As NotesDocument
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim rtitem As notesrichtextitem
Set db = session.Currentdatabase
Set spamfolder = db.getview(SPAM_SOURCE_FOLDER)
If Not spamfolder Is Nothing Then
Set doc = spamfolder.Getfirstdocument()
While Not doc Is nothing
Set nextdoc = spamfolder.Getnextdocument(doc)
set newdoc = New NotesDocument(db)
Set rtitem = newdoc.Createrichtextitem("body")
Call generatedfwdrt(doc, rtitem)
newdoc.copyto = ""
newdoc.blindcopyto = ""
If doc.hasitem("subject") Then newdoc.subject = "SPAM FWD: " & doc.subject(0)
Call newdoc.Send(False, False)
Call rtitem.Copyitemtodocument(doc, "sourcert")
Call doc.Putinfolder(FOLDER_AFTER_REPORTING, true)
Call doc.Removefromfolder(SPAM_SOURCE_FOLDER)
Call doc.Markread(MY_USER_ID)
Set doc = nextdoc
End If
' ********************************************************
Exit Sub
nct_outputError("Error in sub '" & Getthreadinfo(1) & "' at " & Erl & " :" & Error$)
Resume alldone
' ********************************************************
End sub
Function generatedFwdRT(doc As NotesDocument, rtitem As NotesRichTextItem) As Boolean
On Error GoTo errorhandle
Dim hasmime As Boolean, headerobjects As Variant, rcd(4) As String, n(4) As Integer, skiprcd As Boolean
Dim spaces As String, tmp As String, startskipping As Boolean
Dim item As NotesItem, mimeitem As NotesMIMEEntity, st As NotesStream, txt As String, tv As Variant
Set st = session.Createstream()
ForAll i In doc.Items
If i.type = 25 Then
hasmime = True
Set mimeitem = doc.Getmimeentity(
If Not mimeitem Is Nothing Then
tv = doc.Getreceiveditemtext()
If IsArray(tv) Then
ForAll tva In tv
rcd(0) = ""
rcd(1) = ""
rcd(2) = ""
rcd(3) = ""
spaces = ""
n(1) = InStr( tva, "by ")
n(2) = InStr( n(1) + 1 , tva, "with ")
n(3) = InStr( n(2) + 1, tva, ";")
skiprcd = True
tmp = tva
n(1) = InStr(tmp, "by ")
If n(1) > 0 Then
rcd(0) = Left$(tmp, n(1) - 1)
tmp = Right$(tmp, Len(tmp) - Len(rcd(0)))
End If
n(2) = InStr(tmp, "with ")
If n(2) > 0 Then
rcd(1) = Left$(tmp, n(2) - 1)
tmp = Right$(tmp, Len(tmp) - Len(rcd(1)))
End If
n(3) = InStr(tmp, ";")
If n(3) > 0 Then
rcd(2) = Left$(tmp, n(3) - 1)
tmp = Right$(tmp, Len(tmp) - Len(rcd(2)))
End If
rcd(3) = FullTrim(tmp)
If Left$(rcd(3),1) = ";" Then
rcd(3) = Right$(CStr(rcd(3)), Len(rcd(3)) -1)
End If
Call rtitem.Appendtext("Received: " & FullTrim(rcd(0)) )
If Not FullTrim(rcd(0)) = "" Then
Call rtitem.Addnewline(1,True)
spaces = " "
End If
If Not FullTrim(rcd(1)) = "" Then
Call rtitem.Appendtext(spaces & FullTrim(rcd(1)) )
Call rtitem.Addnewline(1,True)
spaces = " "
End If
If Not FullTrim(rcd(2)) = "" Then
Call rtitem.Appendtext(spaces & FullTrim(rcd(2)) )
Call rtitem.Addnewline(1,True)
spaces = " "
End If
If Not FullTrim(rcd(3)) = "" Then
Call rtitem.Appendtext(spaces & FullTrim(rcd(3)) )
Call rtitem.Addnewline(1,True)
spaces = " "
End If
End ForAll
Call rtitem.Appendtext( tv )
Call rtitem.Addnewline(1,True)
End If
txt = mimeitem.headers
tv = Split(mimeitem.headers, Chr$(10))
If IsArray(tv) Then
startskipping = True
ForAll tvi In tv
If ((Left$(tvi,10) = "Received: ") And ( skiprcd = True)) Then
startskipping = True
n(0) = InStr(tvi, " ")
n(1) = InStr(tvi, ": ")
If n(1) > 0 And n(1) < n(0) Then startskipping = False
End If
If startskipping = False Then
If InStr(tvi, "X-Notes-Item:") = 0 Then
txt = Join(Split(tvi, Chr$(10)), "")
txt = Join(Split(tvi, Chr$(13)), "")
If Not FullTrim(txt) = "" Then
Call rtitem.Appendtext( "" & txt )
Call rtitem.addnewline(1, True)
End If
End If
End If
End ForAll
Call rtitem.Appendtext( txt )
Call rtitem.Addnewline(1,True)
End If
txt = mimeitem.Contentastext
Call rtitem.appendtext( txt)
End If
End If
End ForAll
If Not hasmime Then
ForAll i In doc.Items
Call rtitem.Appendtext("" & & ": ")
If Not i.type = 25 Then
txt = i.text
Call rtitem.appendtext(txt)
Call rtitem.Addnewline(1,True)
End If
End ForAll
End If
Exit Function
nct_outputError("Error in function '" & GetThreadInfo(1) & "' at " & Erl & " :" & Error$)
Resume alldone
End Function
Sub nct_outputError( txt As String)
' ********************************************************
On Error GoTo errorhandle
' ********************************************************
End if
' ********************************************************
Exit Sub
Msgbox("Error in sub '" & Getthreadinfo(1) & "' at " & Erl & " :" & Error$)
Resume alldone
' ********************************************************
End sub
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