Last night the strong center of American political thinking stepped out and said "Enough". It isn't every day that any idea or candidate can capture the support of such a wide cross section of our country. In nearly every measurable demographic other than the most hard core neo-conservative right wing base, Americans united to say that no matter what differences on individual parts of the Democratic message they can no longer stomach the abuses of power that have defined the last eight years.
That's what the system is designed to do, and that's what it has done. You read about the remnants of racism and discrimination in parts of the US, but have you embraced the minority populations as completely?
I was born in 1967.
I of course have no memory of Kennedy.
I remember Nixon resigning, and Ford's pardon.
I remember the endless days of the Iran Hostages during the Carter administration.
I remember Reagan's reassuring strength and the wall coming down.
I remember being let down by the cynical back door arms trade with Iran and the Contras as a once great President aged and lost focus.
I remember Bush Senior committing the dual sins of making unpopular decisions and being boring at the same time.
I remember the early hope of the Clinton administration being mired in missteps and the over reach of an ambitious first lady who didn't have the trust of the people behind her.
I remember the growth of Clinton into a real statesman just a little too late and the scandal that -- on looking back -- wasn't all that terrible.
I remember the promise of a new Republican president who was going to bring responsibility and accountability to the office -- and what a total misdirection that turned out to be.
I remember the destruction of 9/11 -- and knowing as it happened that the Constitution was next.
I remember staying up for days to find out who would be President, and liking neither choice -- but respecting Gore for finally agreeing that it was resolved.
I remember being disgusted by people who couldn't accept the loss being legal. It was, to the best of our ability to make it so.
I remember Kerry being torpedoed first by his own party, and then by aging cynical liars.
I remember being sick at seeing runaway abuse at Abu Gerab
I remember being sick on hearing descriptions of torture being sanctioned by my own country.
I remember being embarrassed by the way our country was being represented on the world stage, and by the actions of our nation.
In my own memory of Politics, I have never been as reassured, as proud, and as hopeful as a result of an election result.
I know that Barak Obama is far from perfect. I know there will be mistakes, scandals, and decisions I don't like. I know at some point I'll be disillusioned and disappointed. For now though, all I see looks positive. It looks to me now, before the shine has worn off, that we've elected a careful, intelligent man with character I can respect and the decisiveness to lead. A well educated, well spoken man with the ability to think before he reacts and the confidence to listen to the best advice he can find and then make his own decision.
Today I feel good about the state of the country going forward.
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