After spending the last week or two fighting with mostly Lotus people and one business partner (actually a technical developer who works for a business partner) about the marketing message, the product strategy, and other things I rant about here from time to time -- then following up with reading Ken Bisconti's comments here and finally Ed Brill's comments here (I'm referring to Ed's words in the 17th comment) I'm starting to believe that what we need to do is come up with an open source effort not for programming, but for marketing!
Maybe we can all get together and create some better messages. What's needed:
1. Slideware that shows product relationships based on function, purpose, skills required, and output. Perhaps a few workflow diagrams that show how someone might create a solution using various paths through the technology choices. (e.g. Workplace Designer --> Websphere Studio to find tune --> Deploy to Websphere --> Portlet Tool --> user desktop via Browser, Notes Client, Workplace Client).
2. Predicted Functional Roles for People (remember the people?) (e.g. End User -> Developer Analyst (what most Notes dev people really are) --> Programmer (java, c++) --> Graphic Designer (web site prettiness).
3. Investment path message for Small, Medium, Large, and Enterprise Customers. (e.g. Start with your domino environment, move to your other choices. How?)
I think #1 is a big missing chunk, and it needs to be REALLY clear, and I think #3 is a daunting proposition if your company isn't listed on the NYSE.
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