We're ready to help, Right Now
Emergency Support - We can help you RIGHT NOW
Server down? Major project teetering on the edge of extinction? We can help. Pick up the phone and call, and even if its after hours you'll get a call back very quickly from someone knowledgeable. We can help on the phone, we can even arrange for someone to visit your site. You may be surprised at just how quickly we can have someone at your door through our network of associates around the world. Of course, we do charge for this kind of service.
Free General Support
Use the Contact Form to ask any question you like. While we can't guarantee a lightening fast response at all times on free support, you'll find that in general your question gets answered within a few hours. That's all there is to it.
Specific Help
If your question is more detailed or you'd just like to be helped out of a tricky corner with a quick bit of code, but you don't think its worth it to hire a consultant to do the project, we understand completely. Pick up the phone and give us call. If we can help in just an hour or two, we may be able to save you days of work.
Current Projects
All clients with active projects receive a high level of support including access to a pager for emergencies. Specific pricing on long-term support of this kind will vary according to the complexity of the project. 24 hour "follow the sun" support, with regional people who speak the local language is available for those clients who need it.