
RDB Presentation
Now Available 2.0!
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Our newly released NCT Search 2.0 gives you the power to search across multiple Lotus Notes databases on the fly! Take control of your searches without the overhead of additional indexes. Search only the databases you want, when you want, and make the results display the way you want. NCT Search is your answer to multi-database searches.
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Access a Remote RDBMS with LotusScript
* Updated for: Admin&Developer 2004 - H&T Verlag -- March, 2004 in Munich, Germany
The View's Technical Conference, October 2002, Amsterdam
The View's Domino Developers Conference, November 2002, Miami
It's critical that Domino seamlessly integrate with the enterprise applications that run your business. Get a step-by-step guide to use LotusScript to connect to, read data from, and write data back to a relational database. Learn how to map a result set back to multi-value fields on a Notes document and see ho multi-value text fields map to the relational world and more. Plus, you take home all the source code used in the session.
Presentation as delivered (most recently):

If you want to view a Freelance Graphics .PRZ file, but do not have Freelance Graphics on your system, the Freelance Mobile Screen Show Player is an ideal solution. The player uses only a fraction of the hard disk space required by the full version of Freelance Graphics. The Freelance Mobile Screen Show Player can be freely distributed via e-mail, public networks such as the Internet, or via CD/diskette. You can download a .ZIP file that contains the Mobile Screen Show Player from the following ftp site:
ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/software/lotus/fixes/SmartSuite/FLG_Mobiless.zip |