
Web Content Presentation
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* Update 7/4/2003 --
I hope you find this presentation useful. Unfortunately, I will not be delivering it this year for The View. The folks at the View are working hard to produce an ever more valuable conference, and I'm sure it will be great. Their requirements for speakers this year are just higher than I can commit to in terms of preperation time. To meet their plans, I'd have to spend something close to 15 days in preparation and essentially be non-billing during that time. I just can't do that. I'm sure that they'll have a great show though, so don't take this as a suggestion not to attend. They're really working hard to add even more value.
Solutions for Dynamic Web Content Management
The View: Admin 2002, May 1-3, Boston, MA
Get real-world advice to implement a sound, functional content management
system from Notes/Domino Web specialist Andrew Pollack. Deep dive into the
admin features and see how content management impacts performance,
language, redirection and mapping, and more. Learn to prevent URL hacking,
lock sensitive databases, and control your Web content by hiding links that
users don't have access to. Find out how to establish content standards and
approval processes without limiting creativity and flexibility. Take home
best practices for multi-lingual content management, the secrets of URL
redirection, and much more.
Here's the presentation from that webcast
 | This is the presentation as delivered at Admin 2002
A subset of this presentation was presented on the web for SearchDomino in April 2002.
Here's that transcript:
Solutions for Dynamic Web Content Management
Here's a demo database that handles basic web content

If you want to view a Freelance Graphics .PRZ file, but do not have Freelance Graphics on your system, the Freelance Mobile Screen Show Player is an ideal solution. The player uses only a fraction of the hard disk space required by the full version of Freelance Graphics. The Freelance Mobile Screen Show Player can be freely distributed via e-mail, public networks such as the Internet, or via CD/diskette. You can download a .ZIP file that contains the Mobile Screen Show Player from the following ftp site:
ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/software/lotus/fixes/SmartSuite/FLG_Mobiless.zip |